Monday, December 20, 2010

Joey makes quite the Santa

Christmas is not that big of a deal in Togo. People celebrate it, but nothing like back home. But the American International School, where I work, likes to infuse bits of U.S. culture into the environment. And what's Christmas for little ones without Santa?

Pretty Crappy, that's what.

The original Santa Clause bailed at the last minute. The director asked me the day before Santa's scheduled appearance if Joey would be willing to play the part.

What the director didn't know is that Mr. Joseph never turns down the opportunity to be in costume. Ever.

So it was her lucky day.

A few things to note about these pictures of Santa Joey:

1. The Santa suit was WAY too short for him. We all assumed this would be the case, so he came prepared with tall black socks. This worked to cover his legs when he was standing, but when he sat down you could see a strip of hairy-man-leg above his knee socks. If I didn't know better I might have thought he was of the creepy Santa sorts ;)

2. We couldn't get the pillow to stay on his stomach. It kept creeping up, making him look like a skinny santa with big boobs.

3. The morning assemblies are held under a Paillote, or little Tiki hut type thing. "Santa" had to bend down in order to come under and say hello to the kids. You'll see from the pictures that their initial ecstatic expressions turned wide-eyed as they looked up at him. As one little one said in a hushed voice: "I didn't know Santa was so tall."

4. Before that he rang that huge bell you see in the photos as he came down the hall. The kids were screaming their little heads off. Joey later told me that he was actually a little nervous about the whole thing: "I could see in their eyes that they actually thought I was Santa Clause."

5. Joey missed the best part of the morning when he was in hiding. Before Santa came, the little ones did some traditional African dancing for the school. You'll see the kids in a line and then each one stood in a circle drawn with chalk on the ground to do this funny little dance with their hips. It was a riot. I wish I had video to share.

We miss all of you very much during this holiday season. Enjoy this little tid-bit of the holidays in Togo!


  1. Would have given anything to see Joey as Santa. Will miss you too but you are always in my heart and thoughts. Lot's of love and a very Merry Christmas.

  2. Oh boy, after seeing the pictures I wonder what they think of us Americans and crazy Santa. Good for you Joey. Great pictures:) Love you

  3. Adorable. The eyes as they see how tall Santa is! Merry Christmas to you both. Dot

  4. I cry with laughter reading this because it's so like my brother and if I was there I wouldn't have been able to stop laughing. I would have had stomach pains because he is such a silly version of Santa.

  5. Catching up on the blogs after the holidays have come to an end, you have painted such an amazing picture for us all...i can see the boubous, the poverty, the children's innocence and joy, and Santa's heart. thank you for sharing! I wish you and Joey a Happy New Year...and many more adventures and incredible experiences to share with us all! Much love, Deb
